
The secondary level is composed of 7th-11th grades. The instruction is intended to provide students with a broad education and prepare them for entry into Latin-American universities. We seek to provide our students with the ability to discern truth in the light of God's Word. As they attend classes, students are involved in active learning and decision-making and provided with opportunities to further develop their gifts in a particular area. Self-management skills and personal responsibility are essential in these years. Evaluation of learning takes place through class participation, through in-class and at-home assignments, and through formal and informal assessments. Parents and students can access grades regularly through our secure web access and through printed mid-quarter progress reports and quarterly report cards.
Schedule and Details
The classes are limited to 25 students. The school day is from 7:30 to 2:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, Students enjoy classes in a combination of 45 and 90-minute formats, with a 10-minute homeroom, 10-minute morning break, 25-minute lunch period and a 20-minute enrichment periods Monday through Friday. Students change classes between each period.
NCA Matagalpa has developed a wide plan of study for all grade levels that incorporates the standards established by the Ministry of Education as well as active learning application in each class integrating Biblical worldview.
We use a combination of textbooks from different publishers which include McGraw-Hill, Santillana, and others. Additional reading of novels and other literature supplements the curriculum in language arts and Bible classes.
NCA Matagalpa is not a bilingual school, per se, but it is one of our goals for our students to speak at least two languages by the time they graduate. To that end, they have daily classes in the English language at every grade level. Those transferring into NCA from other schools are encouraged to find additional ways to grow in their second language skills.